Thursday 3 April 2014

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Becky followed the Pink rabbit, running through the maze like forest until eventually she lost track of him and came to a dead end. She looked around and saw that she was in a trapped in a large area shaped in circle, surrounded by tress's.

"Oh no I lost him he was my only hope of getting out of here, maybe if I turn back I could find him" she said and turned to leave but stopped as a loud cackle ran though the air.
"Somehow you strayed and lost your way, and now there'll be no time to play, no time for joy, no time for friends, not even time to make amends. You are too naive if you do believe life is innocent laughter and fun" a voice sang out.

Becky spun around to find a man in a tattered old coat with a very strange looking eye and cat on his head who was actually missing an eye, stood right in front of her with, in Becky's opinion the most scariest smile she'd ever seen. she screeched and took a step back trying to put space between them "W-Who are you!?" she asked trying to stop the shiver of fear that ran through her.

The man laughed and bowed "Why my dear isn't it obvious? I would have thought you would know that, being who you are and all" he said and jumped backwards through the tall grass and disappeared into the darkness and then reappear behind Becky again "I am, the Cheshire cat" he whispered into her ear and jumped in front of her again when Becky spun around to where he was before and he let out a chuckle.

Becky glared "Stop moving so much" she grumbled and turned around to face him "But the Cheshire cat is a cat...not a person"

"And the same can be said about the Pink rabbit my dear but you didn't question that before did you, this isn't your typical...'Wonderland'" he said putting emphasis on Wonder "You'll see that things are much, much different here and...darker" he said and let out a maniacal laugh again and did a one handed handstand, throwing the cat onto his leg and looked up at Alice with a creepy grin again reveling his pointed teeth.

Becky took another step back "I don't understand what you mean, how so?" she asked to which the Cheshire cat's grin got bigger and went from a handstand to sitting down instead, moving the cat onto his head again.
" Well I have two cat ears of course, though one is.....damaged...and I'm sure you've noticed my little friend here doesn't have an eye but I just so happen to have a cats eye instead of a normal eye" his voice trailed off and he looked to the side smiling lightly.

It took Becky a moment to piece together what he said "What do you....." she asked but realized what he meant and gasped, grabbing the cat on top of his head and clutched her close to her chest "How could you!" she yelled and turned away from him "How could you do such a thing, this cat didn't do anything wrong!"

Cheshire looked at her sourly, irritated that his cat had been take away "Its simple Alice I love cats, to the point where I want to be one myself, but there's no way to do that unless I take my brain and swap it with one" he laughed "But that would just be a pain, its much simpler to just take parts of them and be done with it" 


 He stood up and walked over to her, putting his hands behind his back and bent his body down so he was level with her "Now Becky there's no need to be like that, I did warn you" he grinned.

Becky looked at him shocked and held the cat against her chest tighter " names not Becky, my names Alice" she stuttered.
The Cheshire cat's grin got even bigger. "Becky my dear I know all about you, there's no need to lie, you're here for a reason and not being called Alice wont make any difference, that's just a...say nickname we have for you"

Becky loosened her hold on the cat "I don't understand" she mumbled and looked up at him confused "What do you mean?"

The Cheshire cat stood up and took the cat from her and placed her on his head and smiled "Ah, much better it was getting cold up there, now then" he paused "The place to go next I say would be west, to the Mad Hatter, he can possibly be of some help to you...or not" he said and shrugged.

"What do you mean help? I don't need help and anyway the Mad Hatters mad what can he possibly do for me?!" she yelled and watched as The Cheshire cat began to walk away

"We’re all mad here, I’m mad. You’re mad" he said simply and turned around to face her again "You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself"

Becky glared at him and stomped her foot "I'm not mad, how do you know I'm mad!"

"You must be" said the Cheshire cat with a gleam in his eye "Or else you wouldn't have come here" he said maniacally and disappeared into the forest again, his laughter echoing through out the forest.

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