Thursday, 27 March 2014
Screenshot 2
Becky explored the forest running excitedly along the dirt track, but as time passed her running turned into a slow walk as she looked around anxiously.
"This place is just too big, I think I'm lost...I followed the path though so why I'm I still here?" she mumbled to herself, remembering her mothers warnings of never straying away from a path.
She kept walking for what seemed like hours until she halted her steps and turned to look at a tree which oddly looked familiar
"Wait, that tree looks familiar but that can't be....I passed this earlier" she said and started running again only to yet again end up back at the same tree. "But why? have I just been walking around in circles the whole time?!" she shouted and continued to run only to once again end up in front of the very same tree.
She let out a frustrated scream and stomped her foot angrily "This is just stupid, if this is wonderland then it stinks, I want out of this forest!" she whined and pouted to herself.
A sound of rustling startled her out of her tantrum. she whirled around and looked toward a bush where the noise was coming from and slowly walked toward it "H-hello?" she said "Who's there? come out this instant, you're scaring me"
The rustling stopped as soon as she spoke and a small elderly man came stumbling out of the bush. The man was about the same size as Becky only taller by a few inches. His attire consisted of a large pair of fancy red pointed shoes that looked far to big for him, a pair pink of trousers covered in heart shape patterns, a white shirt covered by a light pink waist coat with a pocket watch in the front pocket and lastly sitting atop his head was a red headband with a pair of fake fluffy rabbit ears attached to them, also pink.
The pink and red clothed man put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath "Oh curse this forest, making an old man suffer " he panted and looked at Becky "Why, Mary Ann! What are you doing out here?"
Becky looked at him confused "Mary Ann? that's not my name, my names Bec-Alice..." she said afraid to say her real name just in case she got thrown out. She thrust her hand out to shake his hand "Nice to meet you, I'm guessing by the ears your the white this case pink rabbit?" she giggled, still holding her hand out to him.
The old man glared at her and knocked her hand out of the way "How rude of you, I'll have you know I have no choice but to wear these things!" he exclaimed and started to hobble away "Children these days, no manners I swear" he mumbled.
Alice stared at him for a moment until her senses came back to her and she chased after the strange old man "Wait! let me come with you I've been going around in circles for what seems like hours!" she said staying close behind the elderly man.
The old man took no notice to her, he then took out his pocket watch and halted his steps making Alice knock into him "Oh no, no no no no!" he yelled "I'm late oh dear oh dear, damn you child you've gone and made me late!" he glared at Becky and ran off quicker then his age should allow.
Alice looked at him in disbelieve, questioning his speed but was soon trying to catch up to him "W-wait! don't forget about me!" she yelled at his retreating figure and followed him deeper and deeper into the forest.
Update (Alice in Wonderland)
I have decided to go for my third idea which is to create scenes of my story kind of like screenshots from a film, seeing as this relates to my artists more.
I may also do with each picture a short story telling what is happening in the scene.
I have so far drawn three scenes, two that follow on from each over and one that was a practice piece which I continued to color and that will be used later.
This picture will be the only colored one because of how long it took me to do this and because I'm still getting use to coloring in this style.
These are the other two I have drawn. these wont have any other things done to them, along with all the my future sketches so I can relate to my artists more.
I'm hoping to get all of my scenes done but I may not be able to do this, it all depends on how quickly I can come up with an idea and the time it takes me to draw it I also have to finish designing all of the characters, which I have almost done.
I may also do with each picture a short story telling what is happening in the scene.
I have so far drawn three scenes, two that follow on from each over and one that was a practice piece which I continued to color and that will be used later.
This picture will be the only colored one because of how long it took me to do this and because I'm still getting use to coloring in this style.
These are the other two I have drawn. these wont have any other things done to them, along with all the my future sketches so I can relate to my artists more.
I'm hoping to get all of my scenes done but I may not be able to do this, it all depends on how quickly I can come up with an idea and the time it takes me to draw it I also have to finish designing all of the characters, which I have almost done.
Story idea/screenshot 1
For my project I want to do my own unique version on Alice in Wonderland so I have been thinking of how I could do this because drawing my own characters wont be enough, I want to give them their own story's, I have a basic story idea but it still needs a lot of work.
A young girl named Becky (still not sure on the name yet) is obsessed with the story "Alice in wonderland" and wishes to go their herself to escape her parents who are forever fighting, to the point where punches and various other things are being thrown. From this her obsession for the children's book has grown but as she says "She cant go to wonderland because her name isn't Alice"
one night while hiding from the violence of her parents she closes her eyes and prays, prays that she be allowed to go to wonderland even though her name isn't Alice, After making this plea to whoever would listen she opens her eyes and finds that she can't hear her parents fighting anymore or any loud crashes.
she leaves her hiding place in the bathroom and opens the door only to be knocked back in shock as her whole house is covered in tress and other wild plants. She calls to her parents but receives no answer, only silence.
With new found confidence knowing her parents aren't there or at least aren't around she ventures through her wrecked home to explore more and find out if in fact her wish had been granted or unbeknownst to her she had actually been cursed.
A young girl named Becky (still not sure on the name yet) is obsessed with the story "Alice in wonderland" and wishes to go their herself to escape her parents who are forever fighting, to the point where punches and various other things are being thrown. From this her obsession for the children's book has grown but as she says "She cant go to wonderland because her name isn't Alice"
one night while hiding from the violence of her parents she closes her eyes and prays, prays that she be allowed to go to wonderland even though her name isn't Alice, After making this plea to whoever would listen she opens her eyes and finds that she can't hear her parents fighting anymore or any loud crashes.
she leaves her hiding place in the bathroom and opens the door only to be knocked back in shock as her whole house is covered in tress and other wild plants. She calls to her parents but receives no answer, only silence.
With new found confidence knowing her parents aren't there or at least aren't around she ventures through her wrecked home to explore more and find out if in fact her wish had been granted or unbeknownst to her she had actually been cursed.
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Screenshot (later scene)
"Alice ran through the mushroom forest trying to find her way back to her broken, mess of a home only to come across a small secluded cove like area, where two little mushroom stools, around her size stood right beneath the sun that streamed down from the trees.
Alice tired from all the running decided to rest for a little while and with a struggle sat atop the green mushroom with white spots and let out a little sob that soon became a wail.
"What I'm I suppose to do? I can't go home and I can't stay here, I'm all alone!" she sobbed and covered her eyes with her little hands.
While she cried to herself she failed to notice a figure come out from behind one of large mushrooms.
"Now now crying out here in this dark lonely forest will do you no good, but then again if you wish to be alone then it is the perfect solution I suppose well.....not now I'm here ha ha" the figure which turned out to be the Mad Hatter spoke softly, causing Alice to look up from tear soaked hands.
"Hatter...why are you here how did you find me?" Alice spoke hiccuping, feeling slightly better knowing she had someone here even if it was a completely mad person, still better then nothing she thought.
The Mad Hatter let out a chuckle and sat on the red stool opposite Alice "Why my dear I simply followed you're thoughts, I mean they are very loud ya know" he paused and looked down at Alice "I could practically hear you a lightyear away" he scoffed
Alice cocked her head in confusion "You can hear my thoughts?" she asked to which Hatter gestured to his hat "Ooh....but you said...wait never mind" she said quickly and lowered her head "Either way it doesn't matter" she said sadly "I still don't know what to do"
The Mad Hatter stared at her blankly "Alice I can't help you if I don't know whats wrong" he said "I may be able to read minds but I'm still quite clueless, I am quite mad ya know" he grinned to which Alice glared up at him.
"Yes and so is everybody else here isn't it obvious whats wrong?! I don't want to go home, but if I stay here I'm afraid I'll go mad"
"Oh sweetie we're all mad here, hadn't you heard or wasn't you listening when EVERYONE told you?" The hatter replied with a snippy tone.
Alice stared up at him shocked at his comment and her face contorted into the equivalent of a sad puppy that had just been kicked and tears flowed down her cheeks and she wailed even louder then before.
"WahhhhhhAhhhhhhh! that's it Ive officially gone mad haven't I?! This is all just my crazy m-mind, isn't it?, its all just a dream!" she paused, her voice hitching "And now I've made you mad and lost my only friend, I am all alone now in this crazy place!" she wined and continued to cry.
Hatter lowered his eyes and chuckled. He reached out and touched her cheek affectionately with his large hand that was practically the size of her head.
"Oh my dear Alice, no tears; You would have to be half mad to dream me up, so no tears, you're alright" he smiled "I don't hate you, not at all the only one here who's mad is me" he said and wiped her tears away "No more tears" he said softly.
Alice looked up at him with red blotchy eyes "re-really?" she said innocently to which the Hatter nodded.
she gave him a small smile and threw herself at him, hugging him the hardest she could "Thank you" she whispered and fell asleep in his arms.
Hatter looked down at her and then up at his hat, sighing he lifted her up and began walking "What I'm I ever going to do with you?" he mumbled "Sleep well dear, you'll soon find what you're here for, soon"
Screenshot concept
Thursday, 13 March 2014
An illustration is a visualization or a depiction made by an artist, such as a drawing, sketch, painting, photograph, or other kind of image of things seen, remembered or imagined, using a graphical representation.
Illustrations can be artistic images illustrating for example a text, poem, fashion, magazines, stamps or a book and very often illustrations were made for children's books. The aim of an illustration is to elucidate or decorate a story, poem or piece of textual information by providing a visual representation of something described in the text.
Trolls and Princess Tuvstarr in the book Bland tomtar och troll
the White Rabbit, by John Tenniel |
Edward Lear illustration to a limerick, |
Princess Nobody , illustrated by Doyle. |
An illustrator is an artist who specializes in enhancing writing or elucidating concepts by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text or idea. The illustration may be intended to clarify complicated concepts or objects that are difficult to describe textually, which is the reason illustrations are often found in children's books.
Some traditional illustration techniques include watercolor, pen and ink, airbrush art, oil painting, pastels, wood engraving, and linoleum cuts.
Jessie Willcox Smith's 1923 illustration of the characters in Alice in Wonderland |
Digital Illustration
Computer illustration or digital illustration is the use of digital tools to produce images under the direct manipulation of the artist, usually through a pointing device such as a tablet or a mouse.
Concept art
Concept art is a form of illustration used to convey an idea for use in (but not limited to) films, video games, animation, or comic books before it is put into the final product. Concept art is also referred to as visual development and/or concept design. This term can also be applied to retail design, set design, fashion design, architectural design and industrial design.
Technical Illustration
Technical illustration is the use of illustration to visually communicate information of a technical nature. Technical illustrations can be component technical drawings or diagrams. Technical illustration in general aim "to generate expressive images that effectively convey certain information via the visual channel to the human observer". Nowadays, many illustration programs are used to create technical illustrations due the need for detailed imaging and repeated updating. Besides the commonplace 2-D Adobe Illustrator, there are many 3-D computer graphics software that are often utilized to create illustration for textbooks, especially scientific ones. Technical illustrations generally describe and explain the subjects to a nontechnical audience. Therefore the visual image should be accurate in terms of dimensions and proportions, and should provide "an overall impression of what an object is or does, to enhance the viewer's interest and understanding"
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Final idea doodles
Project so far (Alice in wonderland)
At the start of this project I had absolutely had no idea what to do, while everyone else was already coming up with great ideas but while watching one of the Alice in wonderland films I started doodling pictures of the main characters in my own style and I loved them and wanted to use them for this project, so from their I started drawing them more and started researching and found a bunch of artists who do all character designs and scene layouts for movies such as the pictures below.

And from this I started trying to draw quick sketches instead of fully completed ones, that are a lot more rougher then my usual stuff but I also used my drawing tablet I created some quick doodles as well.

at this point I am starting to think of what I could do for my final idea which so far I have come up with three ideas either;
1. I create a kind of movie poster
2: I will create a comic with a cover which could tie in with the poster
3: Create scenes of my story kind of like screenshots from a film
So far I'm going towards my third option because it would take less time then the comic idea, which would take quite a long time unless I come up with another way to do it and my first option seems to simple in my mind but I could always tie this into my third idea as well perhaps.
I've started drawing out a scene that I could use for a screenshot picture but I am still not sure if I am going to do this yet or not but so far I am enjoying it a lot more.

And from this I started trying to draw quick sketches instead of fully completed ones, that are a lot more rougher then my usual stuff but I also used my drawing tablet I created some quick doodles as well.

at this point I am starting to think of what I could do for my final idea which so far I have come up with three ideas either;
1. I create a kind of movie poster
2: I will create a comic with a cover which could tie in with the poster
3: Create scenes of my story kind of like screenshots from a film
So far I'm going towards my third option because it would take less time then the comic idea, which would take quite a long time unless I come up with another way to do it and my first option seems to simple in my mind but I could always tie this into my third idea as well perhaps.
I've started drawing out a scene that I could use for a screenshot picture but I am still not sure if I am going to do this yet or not but so far I am enjoying it a lot more.
Doodles and Alice Redesign
I started doodling random things such as the Mad Hatters hat and a random tea pot. I tried to draw in blue pencil similar to one of my artists Florian Satzinger.
Then I started doodling Alice but smaller then her original design, I decided to scrap my original idea of an older Alice and go for a younger design, around the age of 6 or 7 but she would still have the same personality.
Alice in wonderland: Florian Satzinger
Florian Satzinger: Character Designer and Writer; University Lecturer
His blog
His official website

His blog
His official website

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