Friday 14 November 2014

Life drawing 1

Last week we started doing life drawing again. Personally I actually really enjoyed the lesson, while I had to get into it again I think I did pretty well.

I think that life drawing really benefits me, Since I like drawing characters, it really helps with poses and proportions.

Half way through the lesson we were told to do quick poses, such as ;10 min, 5 min, 2 min, 1 min, and 2 second poses. which I found really fun, I loved the rush of trying to get a full picture done and I think that it is really helpful. But it did get to the point where I was just drawing one line.


On this picture here we were given a stick with a pencil stuck to it and were told to draw with it at a distance, which was really difficult, but I did end up getting the hang of it.

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