Friday 13 March 2015

Degenrate art

Degenerate art was a term adopted by the Nazi regime in Germany to describe virtually all modern art. Such art was banned on the grounds that it was un-German, Jewish or Communist in nature and those identified degenerate artists were subjected to sanctions.
These included being dismissed from teaching positions, being forbidden to exhibit or to sell their art, and in some cases being forbidden to produce art.

Degenerate Art also was the title of an exhibition, held by the Nazis in Munich in 1937, consisting of modernist artworks chaotically hung and accompanied by text labels deriding the art. Designed to inflame public opinion against modernism, the exhibition subsequently traveled to several other cities in Germany and Austria.
While modern styles of art were prohibited, the Nazis promoted paintings and sculptures that were traditional in manner and that exalted the "blood and soil" values of racial purity, militarism, and obedience. Similar restrictions were placed upon music, which was expected to be tonal and free of any jazz influences; disapproved music was termed degenerate music, likewise, films and plays also were censored.

I don't agree with what happened during this time it is wrong, but it happened for a reason like most things in life and it makes us better/smarter people and we learn from these mistakes, or at least most people do but in my opinion history has a way of repeating itself as the same is pretty much happening now.

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