Tuesday 21 April 2015

FMP First thoughts

I drew this picture while it was fresh in my head before we started the FMP but I've decided not to do anything with it right now.

Over the Easter holidays I've been thinking about my FMP a lot, I did a small doodle of a character and showed it to my boyfriend and his reaction wasn't very good, Her design was awful and it bothered me since I've had problems recently regarding my characters.

I recently bought a new tablet to help with my drawing and to give me a more convenient way of digitally drawing instead of lugging my laptop around, so taking the advice of my boyfriend, and paying attention to his style I looked at some people and drew them realistic as possible while maintaining my own unique style to them around and honestly I am so happy with the results.
I think it's definite improvement from my old style the only thing I have to do now is keep to this style and not revert back to my old one.

I decided to try drawing some of my characters in my new style and yet again it's a definite improvement.

Now that I have a new improved style I feel so ready for my FMP and can't wait to start doing some

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