Following the Cheshire cats instructions Becky went west and after battling the over grown grass of the forest she discovered a very strange looking, what she guessed was a shop with a sign saying 'Hatters hats'
"Well looks like the Cheshire cat was telling the truth" she said and walked over to the door.
As she was about to knock the door flung open and she was greeted by a scary looking man with big buggy eyes "Oh my Hatter, Hatter we have a customer!" the strange man said and as Becky was about to protest he grabbed her arm and was dragged inside.
Once inside the bug eyed man scurried away into a back room, leaving Becky to look around.
The room was painted in odd random colors with posters stuck all over the walls, cabinets and shelves filled the room all holding strange looking hats that had eyes on them, that all seemed to follow Becky's movements.
She glared at them "Creepy looking hats" she mumbled "Stop looking at me, its rude"
"Oh just ignore them my dear, they simply want to ruin your sanity" a voice said from the back room
A man wearing a rumpled up suit and a large hat with eyes on it came into the room and bowed
"Ah Welcome to my hat shop for all of your mind draining needs I am the Mad Hatter, what can I help you with today?" he asked and walked over to Becky.
Becky looked at him puzzled "Um the Cheshire cat sent me...he said you could help me?"
The Mad Hatter looked up at his hat and back down to Becky "Ooh so, you must be Alice Ive been expecting you!" he turned around looking at the doorway he came from "Hey you two get your heads in here!"
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