I was given an idea to do that looks at the points of view of children, I drew two pictures for it but I didn't enjoy doing them very much.

After this I looked at a few of my old characters that I made years ago to see if they could give me any inspiration for an idea and also I wanted to see what they looked like in my new style so I decided to draw a few of them and see what they looked like.

From doing these I decided that I wanted to try and make my characters come to life rather then them just drawn in a standing pose which I always do, so I looked at a Deviantart artist who does different poses named SenshiStock and a Disney artists named Glen Keane.
from looking at these two artists I started practicing with expressions and different poses which I think turned out really well.
After doing this I decided to experiment more with characters and looked at an artists called Tracyjb who does anthropomorphic characters and I decided to try out doing one myself since I only draw humans.
I also tried to draw some fantasy type characters but I didn't really go anywhere with these.

I then started looking up folklore legends and stories for insparation and found a story called journey to the west which is about a group of people on a spiritual quest. I have decided to base my project on this story and do my own adaptation of it.
now that I had a story to go of I looked at my characters again to see if I could use any of them and I picked two characters that are my most favorite ones, Lady Luck and Umi. these two will play as the main hero and the main villain.

and lastly I was inspired by some people in my college to try and do some animations. I looked at how Disney do their animations, which is done by hand, frame by frame. I tried to do this using some tracing paper I bought which turned out to be a success.

At this point I am starting to think about what to do next which will be along the lines of these.
1. Creating the rest of the characters from the book by scratch or choosing some of my own.
2. Start planning out the story using the book as guidance
3.Do some more expression and pose sheets and also try out some bigger animations
4.Draw out some scenes/colour them
5.Draw out a movie poster/colour it
I have started doing some of this stuff already but I wanted to go over what I've done so far to help me figure out where I am exactly.
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