Thursday 1 May 2014

FMP basic ideas

For my FMP I'm going to be experimenting with different ideas but during my AW and Mock FMP projects I came up with a new style that I'm going to continue to use in this project.

I was given an idea to do that would be out of my comfort zone and this is a story book for kids that shows the point of view of children asking innocent questions like "Why does mummy drink that funny drink if it makes her sick in the morning?"which is referring to his mother drinking alcohol.

I did these two pictures as examples but when I was drawing these out it felt forced and I didn't enjoy doing them, I just wanted to get them over and done with, so now I'm thinking about changing my idea.

I like stories with a big plot in them and that are action packed and have a lot of drama so doing that type of story just doesn't relate to me at all.
I did some quick doodles which have interested me, but if I go for these ideas I'm not sure



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