Wednesday 12 March 2014

Project so far (Alice in wonderland)

At the start of this project I had absolutely had no idea what to do, while everyone else was already coming up with great ideas but while watching one of the Alice in wonderland films I started doodling pictures of the main characters in my own style and I loved them and wanted to use them for this project, so from their I started drawing them more and started researching and found a bunch of  artists who do all character designs and scene layouts for movies such as the pictures below.




And from this I started trying to draw quick sketches instead of fully completed ones, that are a lot more rougher then my usual stuff but I also used my drawing tablet I created some quick doodles as well.


 at this point I am starting to think of what I could do for my final idea which so far I have come up with three ideas either;

1. I create a kind of movie poster
2: I will create a comic with a cover which could tie in with the poster
3: Create scenes of my story kind of like screenshots from a film

So far I'm going towards my third option because it would take less time then the comic idea, which would take quite a long time unless I come up with another way to do it and my first option seems to simple in my mind but I could always tie this into my third idea as well perhaps.

I've started drawing out a scene that I could use for a screenshot picture but I am still not sure if I am going to do this yet or not but so far I am enjoying it a lot more.

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