Thursday 27 March 2014

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Becky explored the forest running excitedly along the dirt track, but as time passed her running turned into a slow walk as she looked around anxiously.
"This place is just too big, I think I'm lost...I followed the path though so why I'm I still here?" she mumbled to herself, remembering her mothers warnings of never straying away from a path.

She kept walking for what seemed like hours until she halted her steps and turned to look at a tree which oddly looked familiar
"Wait, that tree looks familiar but that can't be....I passed this earlier" she said and started running again only to yet again end up back at the same tree. "But why? have I just been walking around in circles the whole time?!" she shouted and continued to run only to once again end up in front of the very same tree.

She let out a frustrated scream and stomped her foot angrily "This is just stupid, if this is wonderland then it stinks, I want out of this forest!" she whined and pouted to herself.
A sound of rustling startled her out of her tantrum. she whirled around and looked toward a bush where the noise was coming from and slowly walked toward it "H-hello?" she said "Who's there? come out this instant, you're scaring me"

The rustling stopped as soon as she spoke and a small elderly man came stumbling out of the bush. The man was about the same size as Becky only taller by a few inches. His attire consisted of a large pair of fancy red pointed shoes that looked far to big for him, a pair pink of trousers covered in heart shape patterns, a white shirt covered by a light pink waist coat with a pocket watch in the front pocket and lastly sitting atop his head was a red headband with a pair of fake fluffy rabbit ears attached to them, also pink.

The pink and red clothed man put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath "Oh curse this forest, making an old man suffer " he panted and looked at Becky "Why, Mary Ann! What are you doing out here?"

Becky looked at him confused "Mary Ann? that's not my name, my names Bec-Alice..." she said afraid to say her real name just in case she got thrown out. She thrust her hand out to shake his hand "Nice to meet you, I'm guessing by the ears your the white this case pink rabbit?" she giggled, still holding her hand out to him.

The old man glared at her and knocked her hand out of the way "How rude of you,  I'll have you know I have no choice but to wear these things!" he exclaimed and started to hobble away "Children these days, no manners I swear" he mumbled.

Alice stared at him for a moment until her senses came back to her and she chased after the strange old man "Wait! let me come with you I've been going around in circles for what seems like hours!" she said staying close behind the elderly man.

The old man took no notice to her, he then took out his pocket watch and halted his steps making Alice knock into him "Oh no, no no no no!" he yelled "I'm late oh dear oh dear, damn you child you've gone and made me late!" he glared at Becky and ran off quicker then his age should allow.
Alice looked at him in disbelieve, questioning his speed but was soon trying to catch up to him "W-wait! don't forget about me!" she yelled at his retreating figure and followed him deeper and deeper into the forest.

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