Thursday 20 March 2014

Screenshot (later scene)

"Alice ran through the mushroom forest trying to find her way back to her broken, mess of a home only to come across a small secluded cove like area, where two little mushroom stools, around her size stood right beneath the sun that streamed down from the trees. 
Alice tired from all the running decided to rest for a little while and with a struggle sat atop the green mushroom with white spots and let out a little sob that soon became a wail.
 "What I'm I suppose to do? I can't go home and I can't stay here, I'm all alone!" she sobbed and covered her eyes with her little hands.

While she cried to herself she failed to notice a figure come out from behind one of large mushrooms.

 "Now now crying out here in this dark lonely forest will do you no good, but then again if you wish to be alone then it is the perfect solution I suppose well.....not now I'm here ha ha" the figure which turned out to be the Mad Hatter spoke softly, causing Alice to look up from tear soaked hands.

"Hatter...why are you here how did you find me?" Alice spoke hiccuping, feeling slightly better knowing she had someone here even if it was a completely mad person, still better then nothing she thought.

The Mad Hatter let out a chuckle and sat on the red stool opposite Alice "Why my dear I simply followed you're thoughts, I mean they are very loud ya know" he paused and looked down at Alice "I could practically hear you a lightyear away" he scoffed 

Alice cocked her head in confusion "You can hear my thoughts?" she asked to which Hatter gestured to his hat "Ooh....but you said...wait never mind" she said quickly and lowered her head "Either way it doesn't matter" she said sadly "I still don't know what to do"

The Mad Hatter stared at her blankly "Alice I can't help you if I don't know whats wrong" he said "I may be able to read minds but I'm still quite clueless, I am quite mad ya know" he grinned to which Alice glared up at him.
"Yes and so is everybody else here isn't it obvious whats wrong?! I don't want to go home, but if I stay here I'm afraid I'll go mad" 

"Oh sweetie we're all mad here, hadn't you heard or wasn't you listening when EVERYONE told you?" The hatter replied with a snippy tone.

Alice stared up at him shocked at his comment and her face contorted into the equivalent of a sad puppy that had just been kicked and tears flowed down her cheeks and she wailed even louder then before.
"WahhhhhhAhhhhhhh! that's it Ive officially gone mad haven't I?! This is all just my crazy m-mind, isn't it?, its all just a dream!" she paused, her voice hitching "And now I've made you mad and lost my only friend, I am all alone now in this crazy place!" she wined and continued to cry.

Hatter lowered his eyes and chuckled. He reached out and touched her cheek affectionately with his large hand that was practically the size of her head.
"Oh my dear Alice, no tears; You would have to be half mad to dream me up, so no tears, you're alright" he smiled "I don't hate you, not at all the only one here who's mad is me" he said and wiped her tears away "No more tears" he said softly.

Alice looked up at him with red blotchy eyes "re-really?" she said innocently to which the Hatter nodded.
she gave him a small smile and threw herself at him, hugging him the hardest she could "Thank you" she whispered and fell asleep in his arms.

Hatter looked down at her and then up at his hat, sighing he lifted her up and began walking "What I'm I ever going to do with you?" he mumbled "Sleep well dear, you'll soon find what you're here for, soon"

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