Wednesday 24 June 2015

FMP Reflection

My FMP this year was a lot more tougher then my FMP last year.
Last year I had an idea of what I was going to do throughout the whole year, while this year I had no idea of what I was going to do, I had to think of an idea on the spot and although it may sound pathetic, my boyfriend wasn't here either to give me advice and help me out as much and he really is a big help to my work, so this year was pretty tough for me, but I ploughed through it and I'm really happy with what I ended up with.

I really think that I've improved a lot from last year such as my style of drawing, I've tried to step away from my old style, the anime/manga style, and gone for realistic/cartoony which worked out pretty good. One other thing I took from last year is landscapes, according to my teacher there wasn't enough landscapes in my work, so this year I did focus on that, which helped me a lot since I'm usually not that good at backgrounds and landscapes

All together I really enjoyed doing the FMP, although I went some nights without sleep I believe I did a pretty good job and the amount of work that went up in my exhibition was a lot bigger then how much I did last year.
I don't think I'd change much, maybe I would have looked more into making a prototype of my games design but apart from that there's nothing I would change, I am very proud of what I've done and when I do finally go to University I think I'll be ready.

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