Thursday 26 June 2014

FMP Back story and main story idea

I did another version of this story in my sketch book but Ive changed a few things on this one now.

Back Story.

The novel 'Journey to the West' is a mythical story about the journey of a monk, who goes to Buddha`s Western Heaven in India to receive the scriptures from the Buddha on Vulture Peak. Along the journey he has the help of a monkey and three other disciples

My story is based loosely of this but mine is set in modern times.
In my story humans lived among the fae (fairy type people) and the half breeds, which are half animal half human people, they lived peacefully for many years until the Jade Emperor (who ruled over most of the land) began to hate them and felt that the humans should be the supreme race. He started a war against them and in the end the humans won.
After this the fae and the half breeds were forced out of the city, the fairies and the elf's hid away in the swamps and the half breeds and the trolls fled underground.

A troll named Markus Rivers took charge and started creating a city underground for all of the half breeds and fae to live in, over time it became a wonderful thriving city and Markus Rivers became the mayor of the city.

After many years of peace the Jade emperor caught word of the underground city and in anger sent his army out to destroy the city and everyone living in it, catching all of the cities inhabitants of guard it was a massacre.
Once the job was done and the Jade emperor happy with what had happened, the city was left to perish.

Markus Rivers and the remaining inhabitants of the city tried to rebuild what was left but in the end it was never the same. Markus Rivers guilt ridden, hid himself away from everyone for fifty years until one day a clocked man carrying a human baby girl came to him and pleaded with him to raise her and keep her hidden.

Seeing this as a chance to relieve some of his guilt he agreed and raised her for many years until he died from being attacked by an unknown group.

This is where the main story kicks in.

The human girl Markus Rivers raised was named Umi and after Markus died she was forced to fend for herself against all of the people who shunned her for being a human. their were only a handful of people who
even acknowledged her existence and were kind to her.

From all the hostility towards her she discovered that she can summon a strange energy but with little control over it. So in order to try and conquer this power she has decided to set off on a journey with the help of her closest freinds to find out the truth the behind this power and maybe even put a stop to the on going war between the three races.
The only lead she has to go on is 'Journey east'.


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