Friday 23 January 2015

Main character sculpture coloured

Since I found out that our work wasn't being checked yet I decided to quickly go recreate the neck fluff using the model I had before which I thought looked like a honey pot.


Then I also painted my sculpture which I found to be quite a pain as you cant select any parts when in paint mode, but in the end I managed to do it after many hours of patience and neck pain.

I'm quite happy with how it came out and would like to do it again on a...smaller scale, but I really have enjoyed making this sculpture and would like to do some of this in the future.

Thursday 22 January 2015

2D Pixel art Circus stage unfinished/Story plot

I started making another stage but in the end I couldn't get in finished, I started doing this one while I was doing my last one and ended up focusing on that one more.
This would be the place where the game ends.

Before I had a basic idea of what the story was behind this game but as I made these stages I developed it more and the story is this

A little girl is forced to go to a circus with her parents and after throwing a tantrum runs off and winds up behind the circus while the show is on and runs into the circus owner, who had lost his mind years ago, In a blind rage at her not being in the crowd like she should have been, brutally murders her and buries her body in one of his tents burying her with a Haniwa (A clay ritual figure) which is where she gets her mask from.

After this her soul goes to the spirit world or purgatory as some call it. After being killed so violently, her soul cant rest and ventures into purgatory to try and find her way back to the circus.

2D Pixel art Circus stage 2

Now for the last stage I wanted to make it creepy and abandoned so I spent the most time on this one

I used a gradient effect on the background which I think worked really well. I started doing the objects next

 I colored all of them and place them all on the stage and altered them using the hue and saturation, gradient setting so that they looked darker and fit in more

 After doing this with all of the objects I placed them all on the stage

After this I noticed that the background looked too empty and I decided to add one more thing
I decided to make a some seats and to make it fit more I decided to make them battered and broken

Happy with what I had, I colored it and place it in the back where it fit perfectly.
Since the circus tent had some holes in it I also added a stream of light going down into the tent which I think helped make the tent look old and abandoned and completed the stage

I also added a little secret thing in here, See if you can find it

2D Pixel art Circus stage 1

I really enjoyed doing the last game stage I did so I decided to try and do another one but I based this one around the circus theme

I started by going over my character and created her circus outfit

I had a reallllllllllllllllly hard time making the ruffle around her neck so I looked up a few references and made a few attempts out of it

And in the end this is what I came up with

 I then started to do the stage, I had the idea of doing the outside of the tent, which is how the enter the final area

Then I started designing a ticket booth which you would have to jump over to enter the next level since you don't have enough money

I drew the ticket booth man when he gets out of the booth, I had the idea that hes actually really fat, to the point where he gets stuck in the booth and takes on its shape, so when hes comes out of the booth he's square and his fat jiggles back to shape

 An example my boyfriend made

 I also made some boxes for you to jump over and when I colored it I also made the price higher, it in my mind symbolizes your knowledge of money, since the main character is a child she doesn't understand money very well which could also show how young she is

Then just like before I started doing the objects of the level which I did one at a time and colored afterwards
I thought that since this is the last stage of the game I decided to change the color of the background and make its so its near to night and this is the finished piece

Compared to my other stage this one didn't have as many things I needed to make before which made this stage a lot more easier.

Main character sculpture finished

After making my characters parts I put them all together

I'm really happy with how it came out, although I would have liked to colored it and altered the neck fluff  I still think it looks great to say I've only ever done head shots before.

2D Pixel art desert stage

I've started practicing some pixel art using Microsoft paint, because its the best thing to make pixel art with

I then started adding more things like a background and more buildings which I made in MS Paint

I then started making some objects in MS Paint

I then colored them and put them onto Photoshop

Using the characters I made before I went over them and colored them as well

 I had to alter this one a bit since there wasn't as much room for detail

I then added some more shading to the stage and a few little details, such as the floor and cracks

And for the last part I went over my main character but I had to alter her a bit because I found that she was too big to be a child compared to all of the other characters

Wednesday 14 January 2015

2D RPG Game Lisa the painful

Since I wanted to explore more styles of games I began watching some of my favorite types of games at the moment Rpg's (Role playing games) and one caught my eye which is called Lisa the painful which was a kickstarter project.

Lisa is a men-only apocalyptic horror comedy 2D RPG similar to the style of a game called Mother 3
created by Austin Jorgenson nicknamed "Dingaling
Mother 3

LISA is a side-scrolling, turn-based RPG by Dingaling. It takes place in a post-apocalyptic version of Earth after an event known as The Flash has removed the planet of all it's women.
The protagonist is an aging, troubled martial artist by the name of Brad Armstrong who braves a world filled with idiots and perverts to rescue his daughter Buddy, the last woman on the planet.

I love this game and have just finished watching it, I like the style its done in which can easily be done in Microsoft Paint so I plan on trying it out and seeing what I can come up with.