Wednesday 14 January 2015

Main character sculpture legs/feet/neck fluff

The legs and feet on my model weren't too hard to make, the main problem I had was the feet, I wanted to make them similar to my drawing but I found I just couldn't get them to look right so I eventually found a way to make them look decent and similarish to my design

Now the neck fluff was the WORST part

I copied over the body I had made and placed a ball at the top of it and molded it into the basic shape

Then I struggled, I couldn't figure out a decent way of making it look like fluff I tried multiple way, but after asking my boyfriend he showed me a way of doing it, Using a grab tool I grabbed different parts of the ball and pulled them outwards

I didn't like this as I thought it looked like a pot of honey from Winnie the Pooh so I attempted it again

I yet again didn't like this, as I thought it looked very messy

So I attempted it AGAIN and I'm a bit more happier with the results

This looks a lot better then my other ones, I want to work on it a bit more so this one is a work in progress.

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