Wednesday 14 January 2015

2D RPG Game Lisa the painful

Since I wanted to explore more styles of games I began watching some of my favorite types of games at the moment Rpg's (Role playing games) and one caught my eye which is called Lisa the painful which was a kickstarter project.

Lisa is a men-only apocalyptic horror comedy 2D RPG similar to the style of a game called Mother 3
created by Austin Jorgenson nicknamed "Dingaling
Mother 3

LISA is a side-scrolling, turn-based RPG by Dingaling. It takes place in a post-apocalyptic version of Earth after an event known as The Flash has removed the planet of all it's women.
The protagonist is an aging, troubled martial artist by the name of Brad Armstrong who braves a world filled with idiots and perverts to rescue his daughter Buddy, the last woman on the planet.

I love this game and have just finished watching it, I like the style its done in which can easily be done in Microsoft Paint so I plan on trying it out and seeing what I can come up with.

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