Tuesday 19 May 2015

FMP Main character name (Finally!)

After the longest time I've finally named my main character, Ive decided to name her Cassidy or Cass for short

I plan on outlining the pictures below and coloring them, these are defiantly the final designs now

FMP Scopophobia

The Scopophobia is the fear of being watched

For this boss it doesn't actually attack you all it does is watch you even while you attack it all it does is stare at you giving you no reaction at all

The two enemies will work together, the walking enemy will paralyze you while the eye tentacle will come down from the sky and zap your health away, the only way to stop this is to stop moving when the walking eye is looking in your direction and when it's turned away you sneak up on it and attack it, the eye tentacle will also try to zap your health while your backs turned so when this happens you must turn around and look straight at it to make it retreat

Through out the level the bosses eyes will constantly watch you and when you turn around they will disappear, a lot of things will also be made out of eyes like a bush or the leaves of a tree.

FMP Gelotophobia

The Gelotophobia is the fear of being laughed at

The boss attacks you with the sound waves of his laughter which you have to duck and jump to dodge while also avoiding the grabby hands of his lackeys, if they manage to catch you they will hold you down while the boss laughs in your face which drains more of your health then usual

This enemy runs up to you giggling and if you don't attack it will proceed to bite you

In the level instead of music all that's playing is laughter that as you proceed through the level gets louder and louder until you reach the boss, his lackeys also follow you through out the level although they don't attack you until you reach the boss.

FMP review

So far through out my project I'm really happy with where its going at this point, although I am a little bit stuck with designing levels.

I had the idea that the main boss Hadi tries to use your fears against you, but since the main character is a 30 year old woman there isn't many ideas that I can go off, or at least I'm having trouble with coming up with ideas, I just feel that when your a child you have a lot of fears but as you get older you get over a lot of them, or at least I did

So to solve this little blockage Ive decided to look into other peoples fears and phobias which so far is working out pretty well, I already have two designs down for it even.

The main things I have to do now is
- Do full body pictures of characters with colour

- Design more worlds/ enemy's and bosses

- Finish doing background scenes

- Do some sprite versions of the characters

And that's all I can do at this point, but so far I am really enjoying myself with this project

FMP Backstory screenshots part 1

Last year I did some screenshots of my FMP's back story and I really liked how they turned out so I decided to do some scenes again.

Cassidy: Hey mum what are you building??

Cherie: Ah Cass you scared me! Well I'm currently making a device that will allow you to record and take control of your dreams

Cassidy: Oh wow cool can I try it,  please oh pretty please?!

Cherie: Haha yes of course you can!....that is once its been completed and fully tested

Cassidy: And how long will that take?...

Cherie: Oh who knows maybe a year or five? give or take

Cassidy: But thats way too long!

Cherie: Sorry sweetheart but you'll have to wait the mind is a delicate thing you know

Cassidy: Come on Hadi, mum will never know!

Hadi: Miss Cassidy I highly recommend that you put the dream helmet down, as you're mother said it hasn't bee-

Cassidy: Blah bleh blugh blah blah, Don't be such a goody two shoes Hadi, I control you too ya know and I demand that you let me use the dream machine now!

Hadi:.....Yes Miss Cassidy

Cassidy: This is amazing, everything feels so real, nothing like a dream at all!

Save Owl: Well Miss Cassidy I should hope so! this is your dream world after all, Hoot ho!

Ting the Panda: Yeah you can control everything here now, what with your mothers machine after all

Bunny: We can do anything that you want Cassy you name it!

Cassidy: I wanna go explore, wait no lets have a picnic wait no no, Ooooh so many choices!

FMP Dream machine design

Like the designs I did for the dream helmets I also decided to do some for the machine as well.

FMP Dream Helmet designs

I felt that I didn't have enough design work so I decided to look into doing some new dream helmet designs since the original one wasn't really that good

The first design I looked at these two pictures mainly

For the next design I looked a these three pictures

I asked some people which design they liked best and everyone said they liked the first design more but I didn't as much so I went and tried to combined the two, nearly everyone said that they liked the bulkiness of the first one

I looked at some more helmet designs as well

From these designs the one I liked number 4 and 5 so I asked my family what they thought and they said they like number 4 so I think I will be going for design number 4

Wednesday 13 May 2015

FMP Dream world main hub

After doing the lab design I wanted to do another picture and this time I decided to do the main area of the dream world, I wanted the world to an odd surreal place and looking at the references pictures below I managed to come up with something I think looks really really good.

I decided to change the teddy bears design and based his design of my own teddy bear called Ting 

FMP Save owl and Teddy bear and Bee

Every game has a save point and I wanted to make mine interesting so I decided to make mine an owl, the owl is based on a wooden statue the main characters grandmother owned.

The owl is a Southern white faced owl

I also drew a teddy bear that would be the main characters companion that would eventually turn evil and you get further into the game.

I also had the idea of making a giant garden level so I started designing some bug type characters

FMP Lab design

I wanted to try doing some level and room designs, I thought the first best thing to do would be the main characters laboratory, I looked at these two pictures for references. 

I did a quick sketch and then outlined it and coloured it with basic block colors. I'm really proud of this picture and I'm defiantly going to try doing more.