Wednesday 13 May 2015

FMP scientist and main characters mother

 I decided to start creating some more characters, so I made the main characters old University teacher and her mother.

Professor A Noyd was always cruel to the main character when she was his student as he believed her insomnia was just an excuse to slack off, he was a genius man and actually taught her a lot but his arrogance often got in the way of his teaching.

In the dream world he's resembles a goblin and is a crazy made scientist who creates many exploding creatures and concoctions to try and stop the main character in her tracks

The next character is the main characters mother Cherie, she doesn't play a big role in the game as she moved away some years ago and put aside her job as an engineer to become more of a business women although she still keeps in contact with her daughter.

How she looked when she was younger

In the dream world shes a sort of fairy godmother as when the main character was younger her mother used to create incredible things as if by magic.

I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with these designs, I'm going to experiment with them some more.

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