Tuesday 19 May 2015

FMP Scopophobia

The Scopophobia is the fear of being watched

For this boss it doesn't actually attack you all it does is watch you even while you attack it all it does is stare at you giving you no reaction at all

The two enemies will work together, the walking enemy will paralyze you while the eye tentacle will come down from the sky and zap your health away, the only way to stop this is to stop moving when the walking eye is looking in your direction and when it's turned away you sneak up on it and attack it, the eye tentacle will also try to zap your health while your backs turned so when this happens you must turn around and look straight at it to make it retreat

Through out the level the bosses eyes will constantly watch you and when you turn around they will disappear, a lot of things will also be made out of eyes like a bush or the leaves of a tree.

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