Tuesday 19 May 2015

FMP Backstory screenshots part 1

Last year I did some screenshots of my FMP's back story and I really liked how they turned out so I decided to do some scenes again.

Cassidy: Hey mum what are you building??

Cherie: Ah Cass you scared me! Well I'm currently making a device that will allow you to record and take control of your dreams

Cassidy: Oh wow cool can I try it,  please oh pretty please?!

Cherie: Haha yes of course you can!....that is once its been completed and fully tested

Cassidy: And how long will that take?...

Cherie: Oh who knows maybe a year or five? give or take

Cassidy: But thats way too long!

Cherie: Sorry sweetheart but you'll have to wait the mind is a delicate thing you know

Cassidy: Come on Hadi, mum will never know!

Hadi: Miss Cassidy I highly recommend that you put the dream helmet down, as you're mother said it hasn't bee-

Cassidy: Blah bleh blugh blah blah, Don't be such a goody two shoes Hadi, I control you too ya know and I demand that you let me use the dream machine now!

Hadi:.....Yes Miss Cassidy

Cassidy: This is amazing, everything feels so real, nothing like a dream at all!

Save Owl: Well Miss Cassidy I should hope so! this is your dream world after all, Hoot ho!

Ting the Panda: Yeah you can control everything here now, what with your mothers machine after all

Bunny: We can do anything that you want Cassy you name it!

Cassidy: I wanna go explore, wait no lets have a picnic wait no no, Ooooh so many choices!

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