Tuesday 5 May 2015

FMP Kevin Crossley book

The Kevin Crossley book that I ordered online actually arrived the very next day (Thank you lovely Amazon)

In the book Kevin writes about loads of tips on how he creates his characters and although I already know most of what he had written about I did find his illustrations interesting.

A lot of his drawings are drawn in a Blue Cole-Erase pencils to provide a base design for his pictures which he then goes on to outline with normal shading pencils. I'm going to look into buying one of these pencils and when I do I'll defiantly be trying out this technique.

One other of his techniques that I'd like to try is what he does in these pictures, making characters/monsters from either one or two random objects, I really find this technique interesting especially the snowman and pudding one.

What I love most about his work is his monsters they look so creepy and unique and the amount of detail he puts on them in awesome

He actually created these characters from a 4 year olds drawing

These are just some other pictures that I really liked as well

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