Tuesday 19 May 2015

FMP review

So far through out my project I'm really happy with where its going at this point, although I am a little bit stuck with designing levels.

I had the idea that the main boss Hadi tries to use your fears against you, but since the main character is a 30 year old woman there isn't many ideas that I can go off, or at least I'm having trouble with coming up with ideas, I just feel that when your a child you have a lot of fears but as you get older you get over a lot of them, or at least I did

So to solve this little blockage Ive decided to look into other peoples fears and phobias which so far is working out pretty well, I already have two designs down for it even.

The main things I have to do now is
- Do full body pictures of characters with colour

- Design more worlds/ enemy's and bosses

- Finish doing background scenes

- Do some sprite versions of the characters

And that's all I can do at this point, but so far I am really enjoying myself with this project

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